Saturday, February 19, 2011


Our visit to the Cabbage Patch
The 3 loves of my life.
Hold me up so I can see!
Daddy showing Roo how to brush the baby's hair.
She loved this part.
Mesmerized by all the babies.
Can you believe all these babies, Daddy?
The 4 of us.
This place is really neat.
Cabbage Patch Kid School Bus
Hmm... I think I'll take the red-headed one in the green.
And this little brown-eyed one with the pink socks.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My RooBear Is 3!!

It's official!! I'm the mother of a 3 year old. Well, uh, the most beautiful 3 year old in the world.

Count them, girl. Momma's got the gray hair to prove it!
RooBear Dixon
3 years old
Her favorites are:
Color- Purple
TV Shows- Super Why and Sid The Science Kid
Movie- The Little Mermaid
Toy- New Baby
Person- Stister
Food- Black Cookies and Sloppy Joes

You're becoming a little person and you have the funniest personality. Your Daddy and I love you and your sister more than anything and you girls make our lives worth living. I love you, RooBear.